Fillers in Tijuana
Fillers are an aesthetic treatment that has gained considerable popularity due to the positive effects on people. This procedure is usually performed on patients who present some aging process, which requires fillers to improve the appearance, giving volume to eliminate flaccidity and thus provide a more youthful appearance.
Why get Fillers in Tijuana?
They work just the same as everywhere else but they will more likely be cheaper than in other parts of the world.
The product is used to provide volume increase, mainly in specific areas of the face that, as a result of age and/or aging, present a decrease in the amount of adipose or fatty tissue.
The objective of this type of treatment is to eliminate or attenuate wrinkles – crow’s feet, dark circles, barcodes, reshaping the nose, conceal scars, round cheekbones, cheeks, or chin, increase the volume of the lips or reshape and restructure the face of the patient.
Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid
Thanks to the fact that hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body, the fillers Tijuana of this substance allows to correct various problems that can occur in the face, and helps:
- Provide hydration and volume thanks to the retention of water molecules.
- Improves the production of collagen and elastin to provide luminosity and elasticity to the skin.
- Reduces the appearance of expression lines and deep wrinkles.
- It can improve skin marks and scars.
- Helps to reduce eyelid bags and lift those areas that need a lifting effect.
Usos del ácido hialurónico en la estética
Fillers Tijuana of hyaluronic acid is usually the most used by professionals, mainly because it is not an invasive substance and alien to the body. Also, hyaluronic acid can be administered in different areas of the face, helping to improve the patient’s appearance and take care of his or her health, especially because the molecules that compose it have the capacity to hydrate.
Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Inflammation or swelling
Insensitivity and appearance of bruises or lumps in the areas where it has been applied. Minimal pain. Irritation, hardness, burning, or itching and redness of the skin. Occasional allergic reaction. Definitely, fillers Tijuana of hyaluronic acid are the most recommended, especially for the biocompatibility that exists with the body, allowing side effects are minimal. That is why at Imagen Art, we handle this substance, with the aim that our patients can obtain positive and accurate results, so if you want this treatment, schedule your appointment now.
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Imperdiet class parturient nascetur dapibus facilisis iaculis eleifend in suspendisse lacus efficitur
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Peeling Médico
Imperdiet class parturient nascetur dapibus facilisis iaculis eleifend in suspendisse lacus efficitur
Agenda tu consulta de valoración
Tratamientos biológicos mínimamente invasivos para mejorar tu calidad de vida, mantener tu imagen para verte y sentirte bien.
Aplicación de bótox
Tratamientos biológicos mínimamente invasivos para mejorar tu calidad de vida, mantener tu imagen para verte y sentirte bien
¿Qué es la aplicación de bótox?
Mejor conocido como Botox®; Es una toxina que, aplicada en dosis mínimas, inactiva la contracción del músculo a tratar. Útil en el tratamiento de algunos trastornos médicos funcionales como la migraña y el bruxismo. En Medicina Estética, atenúa las líneas de expresión entre las cejas, frente y alrededor de los ojos sin que el rostro pierda su personalidad.
Ventajas de este procedimiento
- Se puede aplicar en cualquier época del año.
- Es una técnica prácticamente indolora.
- Sus efectos son visibles en 3-5 días y duran entre tres y seis meses.
- Apenas tiene contraindicaciones.
- Rara vez causa efectos secundarios.
Posteriormente, su efecto irá disminuyendo hasta desaparecer y volver al estado inicial. Otro beneficio de la aplicación de la toxina es en el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis, es decir, en personas con sudoración excesiva en axilas, manos y pies. Con él, es posible reducir la actividad de las glándulas sudoríparas.
Agenda tu consulta
Mejora tu calidad de vida
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Imperdiet class parturient nascetur dapibus facilisis iaculis eleifend in suspendisse lacus efficitur
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Imperdiet class parturient nascetur dapibus facilisis iaculis eleifend in suspendisse lacus efficitur
Peeling Médico
Imperdiet class parturient nascetur dapibus facilisis iaculis eleifend in suspendisse lacus efficitur
Agenda tu consulta de valoración
Tratamientos biológicos mínimamente invasivos para mejorar tu calidad de vida, mantener tu imagen para verte y sentirte bien.